Working in the present, investing in the future


Improve operational cost and sustainability to achieve future carbon neutrality.


Significant investments in efficient green technologies, site upgrades, and improved operational efficiency, supported by NRG custom contracting.


Environmental solutions as clear as glass

Bucher Emhart Glass and their parent company Bucher Industries are proactively focused on improved sustainability and operational costs.

Bucher Emhart Glass, a 2022 NRG Excellence in Energy award winner, designs, manufactures, installs, and services glass container forming machinery. They have been innovating since their start at the turn of the 20th century, helping to pioneer the automation of the glass container industry. Their machinery produces containers that touch all aspects of daily life: food and beverage storage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, as well as general packaging.  As such, Emhart recognizes the importance of ensuring continued quality, safety, and productivity in a sustainable manner.

Embracing the big picture

Emhart Glass knows that the best way to approach their sustainability goals is to continue to look into the future with efficiency, cutting-edge technology and cost-reduction.

To minimize their carbon footprint and improve sustainability, Emhart Glass completed three large-scale initiatives at their Windsor Connecticut research and development site.

1. Improved lighting: All the lighting fixtures in the plant were replaced, internally and externally, with LED fixtures. A total of 524 fixtures were upgraded. Impacts include:

  • An estimated reduction of 600,000 kWh/year, or 18% of their energy usage
  • Estimated impact to CO2 reduction program is 425 MT/year
  • Better visibility, reduction of eye strain, safety for employees and all visitors while on site

2. Install solar panels: Emhart invested in a 1 MW DC solar panel system, with 1,840 panels on both the roof and grounds of the facility. Impacts include:

  • An estimated supply of 1,200 MWh of electrical power/year (over 36% of initial usage)
  • Further estimated CO2 reduction of 866 MT/year
  • Visibility of the corporate decision to invest in renewable energy for the Windsor facility, thus demonstrating the importance and commitment to sustainability on the environment and community

3. Swap out carbon-intensive inputs: With oxygen being a core element for glass melting, Emhart Glass took the initiative to switch to green oxygen. The liquid oxygen is now supplied /allocated to carbon neutral production before being vaporized on site and mixed with natural gas for burner firing for glass melting at around 1,500 degrees Celsius. Impacts include:

  • Reduction of Scope 3 carbon footprint of 1,600 MT/year

Overall Impact of current projects: Combined and fully operational, Emhart Glass estimates these projects will reduce electrical power by more than 50% per year (1,700 MWh), along with around 30% CO2 emissions reduction from scope 1, 2 and 3 (excess of 2,800 MT/year).

  • LED – 425 MT of CO2 reduction
  • O2 - 1,600 MT of CO2 reduction
  • SOLAR – 866 MT of CO2 reduction

Future Projects: Emhart Glass is now working with their solar supplier to explore the installation of additional solar arrays and a battery storage system. The company is also exploring reducing utility demand on the plant with compressed air usage and waste and evaluating the potential of a furnace waste heat recovery system.

Cost efficiency and reduction is just as much a priority as sustainability, and the two often go hand-in-hand. Emhart Glass joined hands with their NRG account executive Jonathan Rowe to navigate that process.

When costs are under control, businesses have more options to spend more on what means the most to them. In Emhart Glass’s case, their vigorous sustainability projects require a large amount of capital, so it was important to them to reduce and manage costs effectively.

“When we first started talking about energy and seasonal volumes and impact, it was very quickly understood that it is a minefield of information that Jonathan explained. We were for sure novices regarding energy variables and opportunities compared to the knowledge of Jonathan – and it is so much more than what is on and what is off. It is complex and needs to be understood to make the right decisions regarding cost, savings, and sustainability,” says David Brown, Emhart Glass Plant Manager.

Many businesses wonder where to begin, what products are available, and how to best navigate energy market fluctuations. Jonathan took the time to gather a detailed overview of Emhart Glass’s slated projects, business needs, and budget, to tailor a contract and product package to supporting the company’s ambitious sustainability goals. Emhart Glass looks forward to NRG’s continued collaboration and guidance on the nuances of energy contracts, new products, and emerging technologies.

Connecting with our experienced account executives, as Emhart Glass did, helps set your company up for continued success with energy management and more access to comprehensive pricing products, load management, sustainability, and renewables. From the simplest fixed rate to comprehensive market monitoring, your NRG advisor is here to help facilitate your boldest energy goals.

If your business is interested in a suite of energy solutions tailored to your needs, contact us here.


Collaborating for a sustainable future

“Investing in sustainability is a very credible approach to business that clearly displays the values that you have as a company, as well as reducing your costs, which can almost be seen as a secondary effect. Don’t underestimate what impact you can have and enjoy the journey. You’re not alone.”

David Brown

Planet Manager, Emhart Glass

Focused on you

Whatever your energy goal, we're ready to craft the best solution.