
The calm after the storm
NRG Truck

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With a headquarters in Princeton, NJ., that was affected by Super Storm Sandy and a second headquarters hugging the Gulf in Houston, we know that a single storm can transform your life. Many times, the electric system is completely destroyed during natural disasters, and people need energy. As an energy company, a group of employees wanted to do something to help those affected by Mother Nature's actions.

"I was in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and in Houston during Hurricane Ike, so I felt like this was a way to help others who are going through similar situations."
Mandy Lewis, Manager of Strategic Solutions, NRG

Enter the nearly-70-foot-long motorhome and trailer - our Power2Serve response vehicle. It comes equipped with the necessary equipment to give people the power they crave. But equally important, it comes equipped with a group of selfless individuals who volunteer to do all they can to brighten your circumstance.

The vehicle brings generators, solar panels, chargers for your phones and computers, a sturdy shelter, and televisions. And equally important, it brings a group of volunteers to help. More than 400 hours of combined training prepared them, which included acquiring skills in search and rescue operations, basic first aid, disaster psychology, shelter operations and charging technology.

"Inside this tented area, we provide a little bit of relief from the elements. We also can house various other community organizations who need a command central. We're proud to play that role."
Christine Walker, Sr. Director B2B Marketing and Sales, NRG P2S Serve Crew Lead

And when Mother Nature acted, our volunteers quickly reacted. Most recently, our team proved its readiness and loyalty. Tornadoes terrorized thousands of homes in Mississippi, and our crew answered.